Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The Schiavo Case

I've been following theTerri Schiavo case as I'm sure you guys have. What are your thoughts? I think I probably know. It's a neo con issue: don't confuse me with facts, my mind is made up. Just like Million Dollar Baby, the movie, is a left wing plot, the same as SpongeBob is gay. I don't want to put words in your mouth and would hope that the 10 chaps operate from reason as opposed to a party line. From my perspective, talk about screwing up a "two car funeral procession," the government can do it. Now, they've only muddled it. Why we can't let the poor woman died is beyond me: fifteen years she hasn't known she is in the world. Sad and somehow, to me it is so weird: doesn't the faith teach us that this world is not my home. The husband is not the issue, however; I admit that he appears to be a sleaze but we are talking 15 years. No, would never say anyone has to agree with me. I do think that overall, these are heavy duty issues that must be faced one of these days by most people, especially as health care becomes more and more cost prohibitive. Allowing folks to linger and linger with no hope who don't know they are in the world is cruel beyond all means to me. As someone has said, we treat our animals better than people. What this case has done, however, is focus attention on an issue which is too often ignored or denied and for that, I think it is good.

A friend of mine has contracted with me to do me in if I begin to lose it without any chance of return and if I have become a burden to my family. I am doing the same for him. And, I have told all my family. I think Korvokian had the right idea, he was just the wrong person. I like Oregon's law.

One of the reasons I thought Million Dollar Baby was such a profound movie was she died well.

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