Tuesday, May 14, 2013

From Lamar Hunt


South of London, where hwy A360 intersects with A303, 8 miles North of Salisbury, just west of the river Avon, is an awesome sight. Stonehenge.
A horseshoe formation of 30 huge upright stones, weighing up to 50 tons each, completed around 1500 BC; an engineering feat that would challenge modern technology.
No one knows who built Stonehenge nor what it means.

The stones remain but the meaning is lost.

The Gilgal Stones
When Joshua lead the Children of Israel across Jordan, and into the promised land, a stone from each of the 12 tribes was placed in a heap at Gilgal, a tiny village near Jericho.
He explained his reason for erecting the monument (Joshua 4:21-24)

“When your children ask their fathers in times to come, saying, ‘What are these stones?’ Then you shall let your children know, saying, ‘Israel crossed over this Jordan (River) on dry land…as the Lord your God did to the Red Sea…that all the peoples of the earth may…fear the Lord your God forever.’ ”

The stones have long since been scattered by the forces of nature. Neither will you find the village of Gilgal. It no longer exists.

The stones are gone but the meaning remains. Why? Because succeeding generations taught the meaning of the stones.


There are over 2 ½ million head stones that mark the graves of American Veterans. 124,909 of them are on foreign soil.

Those sacred sentinels speak to us.

These stones speak of Courage.
Like the courage shown by Major Pat Brady, who wore out three Huey choppers rescuing 51 seriously injured soldiers in one day, and was awarded the Medal of Honor for his sacrifice. I served with then MG Brady in Sixth Army in the 1990s.

These stones speak of Duty.
Because the heroes whose remains lie under these stones knew the meaning of citizenship, that nothing comes without obligation; that the nation that gave them their freedom had a right to ask that they take their turn against tyranny.

The stones speak of Honor, what we are, our character, our personal integrity.

When a prisoner of war, after surviving severe torture and near death, refused early release from the “Hanoi Hilton” because his Dad was an Admiral...honor! The voters of Arizona made him a US Senator.

The stones speak of Loyalty! I mean by that the loyalty that one G.I. has for another.
When a nineteen-year old machine gunner stood at the Chosin, on frozen feet, against a horde of Communist Chinese, firing his weapon until the barrel was red hot, so that his comrades could fall back and regroup; and stood there until Chinese Communists bullets cut him nearly in two...what do you call that? Loyalty? Courage? Duty? Honor?

All of the above!

The stones speak of sacrifice.
But sacrifice is not the end of our service. It is the beginning.
When a citizen puts on the uniform he commits his life, she commits her life, to country. That act, and the oath he or she swears, is the promise of the gift.
And it is a gift, not a loss!
So never speak of an American service man or woman losing his or her life. There is a difference in losing something and giving it.
I thank God that I was never called upon to give that gift, but I committed to it, as did every service man and woman, if it became my portion, when I chose to put on the uniform.

In his Inaugural Address, President John Kennedy (January 20, 1961): Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall
​pay any price,
​bear any burden,
​meet any hardship,
​support any friend,
oppose any foe,
​to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

​It is America’s military veterans who have paid the price, borne the burdens, and met the hardships to assure the survival and the success of liberty. And it their successors, America’s young men and women in uniform that are paying that price today.

We must teach the meaning of the stones.


​I can’t end without talking about one more stone, the Stone that was rolled away. What does the resurrection of Jesus mean?
​- That God accepted and approved all that Jesus did and taught.
​- Jesus is Lord!
​- Our salvation, through faith in the living Jesus, is secure.
​- Our own physical resurrection is guaranteed.
​- As Jesus said, (John 14: 19) Because I live you will also live!​
​- Thank you, pastor and church leadership, for conducting this wonderful worship experience in honor of our fallen heroes.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Cancer as Reality

Doc, I just finished an article in the NY Times called "The Cancer of Optimism." It is what you and I have talked about so much. I have often thought that we give too much false hope when it would be better to let a person simply "go" when there is no hope. A really moving article because it zeros in on such an obvious truth. I think you'd find it reinforcing. God bless.


In just a span of a couple of days, here in CA, tragedies seem to confront us. 9 women in a wedding party were in a limo that caught fire and 5 died. Four died in a canoe accident, and a sweet popular teenager was killed in my old church community, along with her father, in an auto accident. Plus, a young soldier killed in Afghanistan, had his funeral yesterday and will be flown back to the Philippines for his final resting place. In the midst of all of this, how can we be comforted. I don't know. What I have discovered is that regardless of one's faith experience, the one comforting thing, if there is any comfort, is heaven. The idea that this life is not the end, that in some mysterious way, we will all meet again.

WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE ABOUT HEAVEN? I believe it is definitely a literal place and that we will know our loved ones when we all meet up. Plus, I believe that the various connections that we have known on earth will find the connections in each other, in heaven, i. e., a little like the "Facebook" concept. If you are a Facebook type, you know that they are constantly connecting you with others that you've known.

And, I believe about heaven is that our loved ones, when they look back to earth, they can only see the positive things. They see us when we are happy, making good decisions, remembering them, thankfulness for what we have.

It is heaven and since nobody has gone and returned to tell us how it is, it can be anything we want. The inspiration and knowledge that those we've loved see the positive things make us only want to be positive.

It is my heaven and works for me. what think? {{{{{{Jerry}}}}}}

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Don't Smell 'em, Treat 'em


It have been a long time volunteer at UCSF, Mount Zion campus. Actually taking a little break but still out of force of habit often drop by. The other day, I ran into this guy who actually looked like a homeless person. Big baggy clothes, older guy. I don't want to be stereotypical--Who knows what a homeless person looks like or who is homeless. Anyway, I see what appears to be a hummingbird and say, "Wow, was that a hummingbird?" He says, "No, it was a", and he named a type of butterfly. It made me perk up. He then proceeds to give me a block of instruction on butterflies and what has happened to them. Then he launched into a syloquey On Monarch butterflies. They used to be everywhere, now, they are nowhere to be found. I was blown away and put it into one of those serendipity experiences. Momentarily I thought of what a nurse at the Infusion Center once said about a patient that was in fact, hygiene challenged, "We don't smell 'em, we treat 'em."