Tuesday, September 02, 2014


Sorry, Captain, got caught up in the fervor of Sam and gang. Here is basically what you missed. Sam is spouting off about the rigors of his life. John is kind of liking Chrissy and grandson living with him, even though he is having to curtail his numerous female friends; who before have occupied the space where Chrissy and son are. His older daughter who is nutso according to John--she doesn't get it at all. She owes him $14,000 from his fronting the money to flip a house just as the housing bubble went South. She left screaming obscenities: how dare he bring up such bad memories. "John, lose her address."
 Gary showed up late to tell us about the sense of Intimacy that he and Joan felt when  they went whale watching, recently. Today, she chose yoga over us. My contribution was the idea of a "reality" show. Nobody liked my idea that the GFs were tailor made as old guys would watch us. Nobody agreed. I thought some "Agent" would be standing in the door, waiting on the green light to pay us big bucks as our first episode (Go to sleep if I have already told you this) would be helping Larry with his plan to move to Tahoe and get laid. We did decide that this episode would have to be shelved as he is opting for a $16,000 motor for his boat. I am personally disappointed in the choice. Sam wants to be excluded from the first episode. He prefers to recount the excitement in his life--between his upcoming colonoscopy or buying a replacement tooth brush. OK, that is all I can muster for today. It is Labor Day. Wednesday is a go. CHOW. 

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