Friday, August 12, 2011



Let's face it, the Republican party is the party of the rich.  Jda

Oops!  Guess I am in the wrong party.  I bet you are the richest member of 10 chaps, and you don’t seem to have a clue about the significance of the financial mess we have drifted into over the years.  In an earlier post you said something like, “not really interested, too complicated.”  I am afraid that our debt crisis will have a devastating effect on our country, as ugly as the crash in 1929.  So many places have closed down around here, and things seem to be getting worse.  Gas prices are falling again, mainly because so many citizens can’t afford to drive their cars.  I am worried about the direction of our country, and I don’t like the feeling.  LH
 I am beginning to think I am a liberal democrat.  I want to  make Social Security more healthy and would like to have a  responsive health care system. 

I don’t even make half of what you talk about and I think I am in great shape.   But I still think that giving away money to families from cradle to grave (unless they  are really disabled) is counterproductive.  So I guess I won’t be a good Democrat after all.  And I am not a good Republican..

I must be a man without a party.   Am I anathema to the system?  I do listen to public radio, cnn,  family talk radio and like the Mike Huckabee program.

Guess I am just a died in the wool country hick.   Are we a dying breed? Glad to have you as an active friend.  Gives me someone to talk with that won’t get Mad and run away. CN

 I think that you have some good programs and are doing good work (Churches I'n his area). I do think that most out there probably listen to a little too much Fox News. Anybody who makes $250,000 or over should pay more taxes. They would not be wealthy if they didn't live in this great country and had the opportunity to make this enormous wealth. Only makes sense that they should pay more.The rich shouldn't have these big tax cuts, as well as corporations making billions. Let's face it, the Republican party is the party of the rich. They protect them and are the best at spin as they convince smart, aware citizens like yourself that it is the fault of those awful democrats who want to protect things like social security and medicare. We could easily solve much of our unemployment now with government programs. We are the only country that can do it. The deficit is a red herring in my view. jda

***The 10 chaps is an email group of retired military chaplains. Their dialogue is often very representative of what Americans think. 

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